The AdWords power tool

AdWords Editor is a free, downloadable Google application for managing large AdWords accounts efficiently. Download your campaigns, make changes with powerful editing tools, then upload the changes to AdWords.

Download AdWords Editor

Windows Mac

Version: 12.2

System requirements:
Windows 7 or later, Mac OS X 10.7 or later

An Adwords Editor application is currently not available on your device

This software can be downloaded for Windows and Mac

System requirements:
Windows 7 or later, Mac OS X 10.7 or later

Learn more about AdWords Editor

Checkmark icon Use bulk editing tools to quickly make multiple changes.

Checkmark icon Export and import files to share proposals or make changes to an account.

Checkmark icon View statistics for all campaigns or a subset of campaigns.

Checkmark icon Copy or move items between ad groups and campaigns.

Checkmark icon Keep working even when you're offline.